Designed by Osamaru Osameru Kenkyukai
表面の折り目によるわずかな傾斜で白銀比による美しい比率を感じ取り、料理がお皿に「おさまる」感覚を味わいながら胃に収めることができる食器である。 お皿に食べ物を乗せた瞬間から比率によって「収まる」のはもちろん余白を考えて配置を試行錯誤する中で自分自身が「治まる」配置を探す過程が生まれる。 身近なAサイズ用紙ならではのしなやかさと繊細さを異素材で表現した形であり、区切られた空間にそれぞれ何をどれだけおさめるのか、このお皿で自分の「おさまる」感覚を探ってもらいたい。
It is a tableware that takes in the beauty of the silver ratio by applying it as a slight inclination on its surface,allowing us to comfortably “store” food in our stomachs while savoring the sensation of a dish collecting neatly on the plate.From the moment food is served on the dish, not only doesit collect neatly on its surface according to the silver ratio, but through a process of trial and error,the search for the perfect arrangement that allows you to “master” your own self is born. The dish take s the supple and delicate expression of the familiar A size paper with different materials. We would like you to explore your own sense of collecting, ruling, storing and mastering your own self with this plate to see what and how much you can fit in it.